Asus Laptop
Simple way to fix the Asus laptop black screen
We are living in the world everything is changing very fast especially on the technological front. Technology changes are creating a totaly new world where everything is getting digital. One innovation which has increased the pace of innovation and digitization is Personal computer. Personal computer is one of the biggest innovation of the world which makes us connect to other part of the world with just one click. One such personal computer making company in the world is “ Asus ‘’.
Asus is one of the most personal computers making company in the world. Asus Laptop tech support Over the course of time it has evolved itself into a electronic economy which makes all sorts of electronic product like Mobile phone, notebook and networking component as well as monitor and multimedia storage devices. It is known for the world class personal computer with affordable prices. It product makes in all the range in order to serve different customer interest whether it’s desktop and laptop model. One of the common problem face by the user is asus laptop problems black screen, one can take the assistance of the Asus laptop support phone number or follow these simple procedure:
One has to first of all, remove the battery and then AC adapter cables .
Then press the power button for few minutes and then connect the battery and having AC adapter having an another try.
One has to make sure that computer is clean and dry. When the computer is in a moist enviorment further if the problem continues then hold the F2 and click on the power button at the same time for one minute.
Further one has to release both of the button inorder to make sure that switch off the computer and remove the HDD.
Again one need to enter the Bios and after loading the default setting.
One has to plug back the HDD and select “ Save changes and Exit ‘’ from the Bios.